
It’s strange, but even though it’s about to be MY birthday tomorrow, I feel the need to thank everyone else, to celebrate everyone else in my life. Maybe that’s what we’re supposed to do and I’ve just never fallen in line with that, I don’t know.

In the past I’ve really just looked at birthdays in a very childish way. I saw birthdays as a day of material or financial gain, and to celebrate with my family and friends without much stress or reason. Just a party. Some gifts. Some hugs. Now, however, or just for this year, I’m actually reflecting and am very thankful for where I have made it this far in life, and for who and what I have. Sometimes it’s really helpful to look back and see how far you’ve made it in life, in just little time.

For example, this time last year I was in a very terrible relationship and overall in a very bad place emotionally. Now I’m the happiest I’ve ever been, and so madly in love that nothing can bring me down. This time about 3 years ago, I had no clue what I wanted to do with myself. Nothing seemed to fit, nothing was working out. Then I stumbled upon something so simple as a Call of Duty: World at War video commentary a man on YouTube had made, and now my life is going in a completely different direction and I know what I want in life. This time 5 years ago, I was just entering high school and afraid I wouldn’t be able to handle it, to do well, to succeed. Now I’m knee deep in college and I know I’ll make the best of it.

I’m just so thankful for what I have in life. My family to still be here with me and supporting me the best they can. My wonderful girlfriend for forever making my life incredible and supporting me no matter what and for loving me as much as she does. For my friends and acquaintances online that help me out, that make each day interesting. I don’t know where I’d be without any of you. Thank you all. Thank everyone.

I love everything right now. Even the fact that it’s the afternoon and I still haven’t showered or put on pants. That will be problematic when I have to leave the house soon, though..