Cooking in Guild Wars 2

Let me tell you about the most fun I’ve had with a video game in a long, long time. This experience is one that has quickly become an addiction of mine, one that may never get old. It’s also something you totally wouldn’t expect.

Cooking in Guild Wars 2 has got to be the most addictive, compelling activity I’ve participated in within a video game in years.

Going on loot-hunting ventures, finding new recipes to buy with my (otherwise unused) Karma, trading ingredients with my partner Chu, and blowing all my Silver on ingredients in the Trading Post, I have spent a little (or rather a lot of) too much time on training my in-game Cooking skills. No matter how much time I put in making new foods, my level just isn’t high enough, I wanna cook more. More I tell you, more!

Admittedly, the other crafting options in Guild Wars 2 that I’ve dabbled with are a bit stale, as they usually are in MMOs. Cooking, however, just compels me to keep at it no matter what – even my own real hunger cannot make me stop cooking in-game. Playing on my already existent culinary interest, this game sets up a very rewarding system of discovery and creation of foods, both from real life and fantasy.

So if you’re looking for a new addiction or to get back into MMOs, Guild Wars 2 is the place to be!