E3 2013
I want to write a proper blog post covering E3.
Problem #1: I was not at E3.
Problem #2: I did not watch live E3 coverage, and only briefly saw some live Tweetage during the event. The only trailer I have seen so far is the Halo 5 trailer.
So this will be my “live” impressions of E3 coverage as I wade through the madness.
First I will start with brief memes on Reddit, then some Tweets, then I will hit the YouTube madness.
So far from what I’m gathering, Sony took a huge shit on Microsoft over the used games thing. Go Sony.
People are still… somehow excited for the XBOX One?! Did they seriously let some CGI trailers distract them from all the bullshit surrounding used games, DRM, and privacy? The heck?
Apparently Tumblr is mad about the PS4 costing $400. Buuuut the XBOX One costs $500, da fuq?
Celebrities Celebrities, More distractions.
Mirrors Edge 2, BF4, Need for Speed, Madden, Fifa, all expected titles.
Dead Rising 3!!! YES! …wait, it’s XBOX One exclusive… FUCK.
Witcher 3, Forza 5… woohoo.
Drake. Why?
Watch Dogs: The video game depiction of the current NSA scandal. Perfect. Remember guys, if you think the NSA is using your phone to watch you, imagine what is being done with that always-on Kinect over there.
Killer Instinct?! Sweet. Looks awesome, loved the trailer. Not loving XBOX One exclusivity, though.
As a PC gamer, I’d really love for all titles to be PC-available, too, so I could play them without even having to give a console purchase a single thought. BUT at the same time, I realize an exclusive war like with the PS2/Xbox generation would be very beneficial for the games industry.
Star.. Wars.. Battlefront?! YES! I KNEW IT! Well that wasn’t much of a trailer.. BUT it’s a couple years out, and it’s fantastic to know that’s being made. Hopefully it’s on the Frostbite engine. Sexy.
What’s this I hear about BF4 technical issues? It couldn’t handle the 60FPS? Lololol. But seriously, BF4 at 60 fps. Winning. See, I just, I don’t feel BF4 is worth it to invest in just yet. I dropped like $200 total into BF3 and I still haven’t gotten all the playtime I can out of it. BF4 really doesn’t look any different (enough) for me to buy yet. Premium was a whopping $50 for BF3 when I got it! No.
The communication for this gameplay… no one talks in-game like that, lolol.
Call of Duty: Ghosts… I wanted to be impressed. Nope. The dog control thing looks so cheesy and gimmicky. I’ll pass.
HAHAHA Sony says trading used games on the PS4 is as easy as passing it over to your friend. Perfect. Sony just won the console war of the generation with that. I like it.
That Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare trailer was great.
The Witcher 3 footage looks amazing. I’ve been watching various coverage of that game for a while, really looking forward to it.
Titanfall looks like it could be good. It will probably be a good title for the Xbox One to have. It feels like almost that it could be a competitor to Destiny though, which is odd.
Halo 5, already? Disappointing. I’d really hoped that they would wait or put something between Halo 4 and 5.
Elder Scrolls: Online gameplay trailer. Stoked! The graphics feel too much like Skyrim for me, but I will have to deal with it.
I think this has been the most satisfying E3 in a long time. There are plenty of game releases people actually want to see. Granted, the titles may not be great, but oh well.
- Battlefield 4
- CoD: Ghosts
- Mirrors Edge 2
- Kingdom Hearts 3
- Halo 5
- Mass Effect something or another
- Killer Instinct
- Dragon Age: Inquisition
- Elder Scrolls Online
While Sony did a decent job at stabbing Microsoft’s weak points, I think we have another generation of a true console war, and I couldn’t be more excited.
Also, get BF3 Close Quarters free on Origin with product code “BF3E3”