So around the time that I received the FLYGRIP for review, I had just decided to finally take off the massive Otterbox shell that I had protecting my Samsung Galaxy S4 for nearly a year. On top of being paranoid about dropping it and breaking it without the case, whenever I would use the phone in bed, it would slip out of my hands - typically onto my chest or face - due to the sleek and slippery nature of the device.
Enter FLYGRIP. Once I started testing this little add-on for review, not only did I stop dropping my phone all the time, but I didn’t even need to use both hands to try to hold it anymore. My world has been a much better place since. So much, in fact, that I got so comfortable using the product and never actually got around to reviewing it until now.
FLYGRIP describes itself as the “One-handed smartphone solution” and that is definitely what it is. The FLYGRIP is a small, plastic clip system that sticks on the back of your phone, tablet, or case for either and allows you to perfectly and comfortably hold your smartphone or tablet with one hand and never drop it!
The clip opens up with two tunnels for your fingers to go through of the hand that you’re using to hold the phone. It’s comfortable to hold it with either the middle finger and ring finger in the tunnels, or your index and middle fingers through the clip. I prefer the latter. The back of the clip features a FLYGRIP logo and a simple design pattern of your choice - which you pick when ordering. It sticks to the back of your device or case via a 3M mounting adhesive. I’ve not had mine come loose in the slightest with two months of use, but it is easily removable by using a knife or fingernail at the right angle, without damaging the device.
The clip compresses up against the back of the device to take up only a small amount of added thickness to your phone. It only adds about 4-5mm to the back of your device. Since the clip is only in one spot on your device, it does pose a risk of potentially catching on your pocket and causing a minor annoyance when shoving it in your pocket, but it doesn’t make your device bulky in the slightest. Compared to the giant Otterbox case I had on my phone, this is no problem for me.
The FLYGRIP comes in small, medium, or large, based on your hand/finger size. That decision is up to you. I have small, girly hands so medium was perfect for me.
Each FLYGRIP order comes with a free phone case - you pick your phone and they ship you a case. It’s just a cheap plastic shell, but that way you can’t say they didn’t give you something to stick the FLYGRIP to besides the back of your phone.
The one for my phone doesn’t fit properly, and the button pushthrough for the power and volume buttons is very, very annoying. BUT the case doesn’t cost you anything, and you don’t have to use it. I got used to mine after a while, and you may have better luck. There’s a lottery of sorts with cheap plastic molding products.
Overall, the FLYGRIP is an insanely handy product… no pun intended. Whether you’re holding your device and just texting, or trying to use it while staying active - FLYGRIP will make sure your phone or tablet stays in your hand, no matter what.
Thanks for watching my review of FLYGRIP. Be sure to like the video if you liked it, comment and subscribe, and check out links in the description below to where you can read more about FLYGRIP and purchase it for yourself, check out our other channels and social media pages, and support us. My name has been Adam or EposVox, see you next time.