Found Her

[This was some sort of goofy attempt at a biographical... thing? I'm not sure.]


There are two kinds of gamers who play professionally - those who train and stress competition every day, and those who enjoy what they do. I’m the kind that has more fun. Who am I? EposVox, Epos, Adam, tehD3M0L1SH3R. “Why hello there!” Every gamer needs his other half, his partner in everything (gaming included) and I’ve found mine. We don’t really have lives of our own, so we’re going to build one together.

Chapter 1: A Link to the Past

I had heard about her before. A couple close friends had mentioned her in various conversation, but any time I tried digging deeper, the conversation usually ended. This girl, this mysterious friend of my friends, she sounded pretty incredible. Sure, she may be a bit weird in different ways, and seemingly impossible to get ahold of, but that didn’t seem to matter. I knew that her and I would get along very well, I just knew it. But would I ever get to meet her?

This girl, this mysterious and yet intriguing girl that a couple of my friends knew just seemed so cool. Not “cool” as in the popular girl in school kind of cool, or anything like that. She was interesting, mysterious. Sure, a lot of that had to do with how she was presented by those telling me about her, but still almost everything I had heard made her sound like the girl of my dreams - and I hadn’t actually created an image for that yet, but she just seemed to fit. Her name was [redacted]. From what I had heard, she was small and skinny, but very gorgeous, very intelligent despite being quiet which might hide her smarts, a strong loner, and then some incomplete details about anxiety and people issues. She was in to video games some, and supposedly spent way too much time on the internet. “Perfect” I had thought to myself, with an internal grin. When can I marry, err I mean, meet this girl? For a while I kept digging for more details about her, what else she liked, who she knew, a non-creepy opportunity to meet her. I was given nothing, which was probably intentional.

Weeks had a passed, thoughts of her had all but faded. She still was in my mind, but without hearing about her much anymore nor having any way of contacting this person without seeming like a complete creep, there wasn’t much I could do. Wasn’t worth my full energy at the time. The “Swan Song” senior art show was approaching. I was externally committed to going. I sure as hell didn’t want to go, but I had told a friend - well actually like four friends - that I would go and support them, and considering I hadn’t gone to any other showcase or event that year, I’d look like an ass if I didn’t. Still, as the time ticked down until it was time to leave, I didn’t want to go. Despite all that, once it was time for me to go I ran out the door, fully prepared. For some strange, unknown reason, I felt compelled to go to this art show. I just knew I had to be there. At the time I just rolled it off as me not wanting to upset or disappoint anyone by not going after I said I would, but I know better than that. That’s never been enough to make me do something I didn’t want in the past, unless those people were family or very close friends. I know there was something more.

Chapter 2: The Meeting

I was somewhat satisfied that I did wind up going to the show. I didn’t disappoint anyone, and put myself in a social environment for a bit, satisfying any need for that for another few months. I also got to talk to and catch up with a few friends from school, and some friends from my past that I hadn’t seen in a long time. With all that in mind, after the initial walkthrough and talking to people, I was done. The tiny hallway in which the show was being displayed was too crowded, there was nothing good to eat or drink, not that I trusted the quality or purity of food left out on a table in a hallway full of teenagers and kids, and I was bored.

Despite my boredom, discomfort, and wish to leave, something I heard almost as a passing thought suddenly made it wall worthwhile. “She said she’d be here, I wonder where she is,” I was told, and then abandoned yet again. But that did not matter, She was going to be here! Suddenly I started looking around. Was she already here? Will I get to meet here? Would I really even recognize her? Would she recognize me? No, why would she, she probably has no idea who I am, don’t be ridiculous.

Unconsciously I began trying to adjust my awful-looking hair and make sure my clothes were straight. I looked like crap, there was nothing that could be done. Disappointed at not having found her amongst the crowd of artsy people perusing the hallway, I slumped back down in my chair. That did not last long, however, as I saw a very pretty girl who seemed to match the descriptions I had been given, and the images I had created in my head, pass by. I wanted to follow, but my anti-creeper reflexes kicked in, probably for the better. I knew it was her, though. I don’t know how I knew, but I just did. I could feel her presence in the hall, a strange wave passing over me as she walked past me. It was comforting; somehow having her there made me feel a bit more at home, a bit less alone (having been left to my own in the massive crowd of people) and somewhat warm, even. Things felt right again, maybe even more right than they had ever felt before. For a brief moment, I felt a sense of completion, a sense of purpose. I didn’t understand. I had no clue what to think of this feeling - I had never felt it before in my life. Sure one might describe this as a feeling they get when spending intimate time with their lover, but someone I haven’t even met? That’s just crazy talk. I just sat there somewhat stunned as she disappeared into the crowd.

Only a couple minutes later, I was rejoined by friends, and the girl sat down on the opposite side of one of them.