Gen101 Final Essay
As a child growing up, I always enjoyed playing on the computer and playing video games. Having started using the computer at a very early age (around age 2-3) I have always been well apt at learning new things and using technology, especially compared to others my age. Because of this, I have pretty much always been told by my family that I was going to grow up and go to MIT and build computers for a living, or something crazy like that.
Also, as I grew older, I started to develop a strong, but generally hidden creative side. My creativity was not always immediately expressed like my techie side was, but whenever it was shown, people (especially my family) were always impressed with what I'd created or come up with, or whatever. I could never really draw or paint well, or play a musical instrument, but I could write, had some pretty good ideas for others' work, and could come up with some decent collages for assignments. In recent years I've also shown a strong aptitude for photography, as well.
With all of this, it only makes sense that my STRONG results would show a good mix of these two sides of me. The results weren't surprising in the least, as they matched perfectly to things I've considered doing or would like to do for a living, but they were defining, which is very useful. My results include things like IT specialist or computer engineer, as well as Photographer, broadcast journalist (I'm now hardcore into video editing and production, making good things up on the ol' YouTube machine).
Like I said, there wasn't really anything that I didn't expect or consider before on this list, but the results certainly pointed out the specific fields and titles I could aim for, and hopefully one day reach as a career.
Most of these careers listed fit me very well. They all allow me to work mostly on my own, which is kind of important to me, allow me to essentially determine how much I make based on how hard I work (and therefore allow me to make a lot of money in life) and all include me doing things I love. I really don't see the point in working if you're not going to do something you love. If you hate your job, then you're not much better off than a bum living on the street. One of my favorite quotes regarding careers is: "If you love what you do, you'll never work a day in your life" and I strongly believe in that quote.
Two things have hindered my career decision - deciding between my creative side and my mechanical, techie side, and finding out what specific sort of careers I should aim for. The STRONG results have helped to show me some specific careers I can look to reach or work with, which helps me a lot, and so now all I am left with is deciding with path of the two I should take. For now, I am exploring both as much as I can and just seeing which path takes me the farthest and is the most enjoyable.
To aid me in my quest for a career, I am working hard, while hardly working (as per the quote I gave earlier). I am taking college classes in the areas I am interested in and networking and working with people in those fields online and trying to get involved in the different fields and see which suits me best.
Who knows where life will take me, but I will stay true to myself, and that will lead me to where I belong.