Loadout Beta Review/Preview

Loadout: A nice blend of Gears of War, Team Fortress 2, and Borderlands.

Loadout is an indie third-person shooter by Edge of Reality. The game is available on Steam with closed beta access for $9.99.

***Loadout is currently in Closed Beta, so everything about this game is not final and is subject to change without notice.***

Loadout is a lot of fun, plain and simple.

There are 4 different game modes to enjoy:

  • Control Point Blitz
    • Like standard King of the Hill game modes, but with a lot more energy. Teams spawn next to each other and have to blitz to the control points.
  • Death Snatch
    • Kill your enemies and collect proof of their death.
    • Similar to Kill Confirmed game types in the Call of Duty
  • Extraction
    • Both teams have a Collector. The Collector collects Bluetonium deposits and carries them to the collector with the protection of teammates.
    • The goal of other team members is to protect their carrier and kill the enemy carrier.
    • The Collector changes upon death.
  • Jackhammer
    • CTF on steroids.
    • The “Flag” is like a Gravity Hammer from the Halo
    • The person holding the Hammer has 5 uses to kill enemies with it in defense.
    • Bring the enemy’s flag to your base to score.

In addition to the multiplayer game modes, there is the Weaponcrafting feature of the game. Weaponcrafting allows players to create their own custom weapons, and name them anything. Scopes, stocks, ammo types, barrels, extra ammo buffs, such as electric damage, fire damage, etc., and more are available to customize weapons with. Customization options need to be unlocked via in-game points or currency that can be earned through playing the game.

There are similar Character Customization options, giving players the ability to change hair styles, clothes, accessories, etc., of their character at the exchange of in-game points and currency.

Goofy extra touches to the game – such as middle-finger emblems, Gangnam Style taunts, etc. – really make anything you do in Loadout a fun experience.

Loadout is very well optimized. The game runs smoothly, scales down efficiently, and looks great.

The controls are very tight and responsive on both the keyboard and mouse and the gamepad. (Tested with the wired XBOX 360 controller.)