Psyche of a YouTuber


I’m not going to lie; being a YouTuber changes you and your look on gaming, even if it’s only temporarily. Not all of the changes are negative, but most of them are and can have an overall bad impact on your future in gaming, without proper guidance and/or some realization.

-- I want to take a second and note that this primarily applies to First Person Shooter videos and those involved in the community with groups such as Machinima Respawn, but it can easily be adapted for any YouTube video production.—

Depending on who you are, how much attention you pay to your personality changes, and how you make your videos, you may or may not experience some of the following changes in your gaming style and behavior, without even realizing it: you may start to become a “tryhard,” you may start playing games just for the sake of making videos, and your ego could inflate big time, especially if you gain a large amount of subscribers.

The two major concerns with any of these consequences involve your enjoyment and outlook on games, and your personality overall.