[Review] Logitech Dual-Action USB Controller (Accessory) 

The Logitech Dual-Action USB game controller provides a great bang for the buck. Chap, portable, and customizable, this controller stands out from other wired PC controllers. It’s certainly not the most attractive device, but what it lacks in appearance, it gains in performance. Black or dark blue in color, this controller is shaped to almost ergonomic perfection for fitting in any gamer’s hands, and won’t fall out due to the nice rubber grips lining the outer sides of the controller. The layout of the controller uses the polished layout of the PlayStation 2-style controllers that almost every gamer has grown used to.

This controller doesn’t connect through the old, giant joystick ports, but instead through USB 2.0, so there is no noticeable lag between a button being pressed and the assigned command being executed in-game, so you don’t have to worry about getting killed while you’re waiting for your character to shoot, and you are guaranteed to have a port for the controller, since all computers now have USB ports. The USB cable from the controller is just long enough that you don’t have to worry about pulling it out of your PC while playing, but not too long to have extra slack to catch on corners or chair legs.

For most games, you need to have Logitech’s lightweight “WingMan” program running for the games to recognize the controller. This program has excellent options for various game profiles and support for multiple controllers. The program even auto-detects a large amount of games and assigns the default controller layout for you! If you wish to assign your own control scheme, you have quite a few options to go about doing it, you just have to figure out what works best for you.

Overall, this controller is comfortable, reliable, easy-to-use, and affordable. I recommend that any PC gamer looking for a controller pick this one up from their local store (similar to Wal-Mart or Best Buy) immediately!