The Rap that's NOT about WoW
I just read a WoW rap,
It was pretty bad.
So I felt a Halo one was to be had.
But why just Halo?
Why not CoD or GoW;
Play a different game each day, no?
While you all are up all night just magin’,
I’ll be lolling as I make all the n00bs be ragin’.
WoW isn’t for gamers, but for nerds,
And the daily raids bring ‘em out in herds.
So you made a WoW rap,
Too bad it’s been done before ya
There’s tons of that crap
Up on Machinima.
So go ahead and sit in pain in your puny ‘gaming station’
Mine will be much nicer,
‘cuz It’ll be paid for by the OpTic_Nation.
I guess I’ll end this rap,
It’s rather quite long.
I suppose it fits a poem more than song
I’ll end it with this – WoW is not the way to go.
It’s such a horrible waste of a very large download.